- Get rid of blocks and traumas that hold you back
- Re-program your brain and body for success
- Shift how you run your mental and emotional energy
- Learn tools and techniques for self-clearing
- Create the life you truly desire
In a session of transformational healing and clearing, you let go of the blocks that hold you back from what you want and intend for yourself. With this work, you uncover and release blocks that might even have been invisible to you–but have still been in your way. You also learn tools and techniques to keep the clearing working in your life.
This powerful work makes changes in your limbic brain, or emotional brain. This important and major part of the brain also regulates your Autonomic Nervous System and vital organs, as well as memory. As you let go of traumas that might have occurred early in your life (or might have been recent), you can begin to think and feel in new ways, and see yourself and your life differently.
However, changing your habitual ways of being, and how you run your mental and emotional energy, can be challenging. Habits die hard, and require intention and awareness to change.
For this reason, most clients prefer to buy a series of sessions, in what we call a “package.” A package can consist of 5 or 10 sessions, and the price per session will be less than an individual session. Multiple sessions are helpful in creating new neuronal pathways for your brain to think and feel in new ways that support you in creating the life you want.