The group emotional healing and transformation process
What communicates emotion in the body? “Molecules of emotion,” also called Neuro-transmitters. When the emotion got stuck in the body, the neuro-transmitters in the body were not fully processed, and that became part of the problem. This creates the neuro-emotional complex, or NEC.
During the group’s emotional healing and transformation process, we are stimulating your memory and the emotions, which re-circulates those Neuro-transmitters. Then we can do the correction, the correction which was not done long ago.
Bringing up the “old stuff” to correct it this time
This is where the art of being a good client comes in. Doing emotional healing and transformation in a group, it’s especially relevant to connect with the Neuro-transmitters. The point of the talking is to bring up your own emotions (NEC’s) and also the emotions of the others. We’ve all heard people share their story where we can relate to it and it brings up our own stuff. This is very beneficial in the group process, as we are all bringing up our stuff to clear it. If, however, you’ve disconnected from yourself in telling your story, then it’s not helpful.
“The story” is secondary to the emotion
Please note that this is different than many experiences we’ve had with therapy where you’re encouraged to speak at length about the story. With emotional healing and transformation, the story is secondary to the emotion and its clearing. The focus is to clear the past and thereby be more in the present, enabling you to create the life you want.