Congratulations on your commitment to your growth and enlightenment!
Your session with me as your practitioner is a co-creative process.
The following tips will help you to get the most benefit and progress. In an environment of non-judgment and healing, consider bringing the following qualities to each session:
- Have a sense of adventure and discovery, about YOU!
- You will most likely learn new things about yourself, if you allow it.
- What do you really want in your life?
- More love, fulfillment in work, peace of mind, or more ease and flow?
- When you are clear on what you really want, your clearing work will be more powerful in accelerating your creative process / goal achievement.
- Are you willing to look at yourself, the parts you like as well as the parts that get in your way? To make positive changes in our lives we need to look at what is stopping or slowing us down.
- Change comes from within. When we change our beliefs and self-talk, it is easier to take action steps towards long-lasting change.
- Changing long-standing patterns can be challenging! “Old habits die hard.” And yet, that is required to truly integrate powerful changes.
- Pay attention and connect with your feelings that arise in the moment.
- Pause and be silent for a few moments and breathe. This can help you to remember things from your past.
- If you don’t have an exact memory, be open to conjecture or imagine a possible scenario of what might have been going on in your life, and then we test the body’s alignment with that.
Getting feedback, or “answers” from your body
- We use manual muscle testing to determine your body’s alignment with what you think, or feel, or verbalize.
- If in person: Be aware of the difference in your own “strong” muscle vs. “weak” muscle. If it doesn’t seem clear to you, ask me to back up and test again. Your confidence in the muscle test, and in my clear testing, is very important.
- If online: I project my awareness, and test your energy intuitively. Again, your confidence in the muscle test, and in my clear testing, is very important. If something is showing up that doesn’t quite make sense to you, let me know, and we back up and figure it out.
How much to talk?
- This work is different from talk therapy.
- Here, the purpose of talking is to bring up the “molecules of emotion,” so the clearing will be more powerful.
- Yes, communicating about your history and the context can be helpful— but beware of “talking instead of feeling,” this is “talking to bring up the feeling.”