Why Working with Emotions are So Important
How is NET different?
Have you tried some or all of the following: personal growth work, spiritual work, coaching, bodywork, therapy, yoga, journaling, chiropractic, or other healing modalities? If you are on a path of growth and healing, you know there are many ways and paths to healing.
NET is a whole-person approach.
With Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) you are engaging the conscious mind, but also going beneath the conscious mind. We are accessing and aligning the body, the conscious mind, and the mind beneath the level of consciousness. The conscious mind (thinking brain) is powerful, but it is just the tip of the iceberg as far as the totality of a human being. The NET process is elegantly quick and direct.
“Feelings buried alive never die.” Emotions that are not fully processed are stored in the body, and can be inaccessible to conscious awareness. These can affect your life in powerful ways, and in subtle ways. They can produce physical expression, even something as “ordinary” as muscle tension, or as catastrophic as a deadly disease. They can produce painful emotions and moods such as depression or pessimism. Old stored emotions can also affect your attitudes and beliefs, and how you perceive your world (your “personal reality”).
NET is a powerfully effective way to access and clear these old stored emotions. This frees up your body for a higher degree of health, frees up your outlook for more joy and freedom, and allows more effective activity for greater success in life.
The emotional mind does not know time.
If there is an unhealed emotional trauma from age two, when that unhealed trauma gets activated, you ARE age two, even if chronologically you are decades beyond age two. With NET we are bringing that unhealed trauma to the surface, and performing a correction to the physiology of emotion, that actually heals the trauma.
Essentially we are “healing backwards through time,” providing a profound change to the foundation of that person’s emotionality.
You are a co-creator in this experience, setting the agenda, and accessing your memory, your imagination, and your emotions in the process. Your experienced NET practitioner skillfully assists, observing, perceiving, seeing which direction to go in, when and how to go deeper, to assist you with the most powerful result of removing your internal obstacles to get you where you want to go.