Life Balance Questionnaire Personal Information> Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Life Balance Wheel How Happy Are You Now in Each Area? Rate yourself on how happy you are now in each area (Drag the Slider - the Range is from 1-10, where 1 is poor and 10 is optimal). Relating to Body/Posture/Food/Exercise Relating to People/Friends/Business Attitude/Emotions Spirituality Finances Career/Learning/Personal Growth Family/Intimate Relationships Creativity/Play/Recreation Evaluate Your Life Balance What are the Most Important Areas of Your Life? Check only 3 (Required) Relating to Body/Posture/Food/ExerciseAttitude/EmotionsFinancesFamily/Intimate RelationshipsRelating to People/Friends/BusinessSpiritualityCareer/Learning/Personal GrowthCreativity/Play/Recreation Your Top Goals Please list your top goals for the 3 most important areas of your life (Required) Thank you for completing the Quantum Vitality Life Balance Questionnaire! [anr_nocaptcha g-recaptcha-response] Δ