Your body performs an amazing number of intricate
and complex functions on its own, without you even thinking about it.
Your body’s innate intelligence is what causes your heart to beat, your cells to regenerate, your immune system to fight off invaders, your digestive processes to function and so on.
So why do we get sick?
Major factors include stress, toxins, running negative energy patterns (thinking and feeling), sensitivity to the dysfunctional energies of others and entropy (physical things wear down over time). In addition, many people also carry the burden of fungus, mold, parasites, bacteria, and/or viruses in their body, adding to the challenge of staying well.
Many Different Fluids in the Body
Your body has many different fluids, with different functions. For example, saliva aids in digestion, mucus in the nasal cavities is part of immune function, urine helps kidneys keep the blood clean, tears lubricate the eyes as well as assist with emotional expression, etc. When the body is in harmony with these various fluids, it has more energy to deal with the challenges of life. However, with the stress and toxins of life these days, most people I have tested are not congruent with their bodily fluids!
Unique Solutions for Better Health
With the unique form of neurological rehabilitation, used by Dr. Moore, you can actually get congruent with your bodily fluids. This helps optimize the “terrain,” or inner environment of the body, freeing up an enormous amount of energy and health potential.
This happens over a few visits. First, you bring in samples of body fluids, and we get you congruent with them. Then, you take the samples home and culture them in a warm dark place for 10-14 days. Then, you bring the cultured samples back in, usually showing interesting growth, and we get you congruent with them again.
This allows the immune system to recognize the difference in “you” vs. “not-you,” and then be more effective at cleansing the system ongoingly. This process is repeated for several cycles, depending on your condition.
Ultimately, getting congruent with your body fluids
will increase your energy, vitality, and wellness!
Call today and schedule your session with Dr. Victoria Moore.
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