Body Awareness Questionnaire Personal Information Your name Your email What is Your Current Level of Discomfort? Please indicate where in your body and the current level of tension or discomfort you are experiencing and where you feel it using the following scale: Discomfort Level: Normal 0-1; Mild 2-4; Moderate 5-7;Severe 8-10 Constant (C) or Intermittent (I) Nature of Discomfort: Sharp and Stabbing; Dull and Achy; Pin and Needles; Numbness; Tightness Please be as specific as possible when evaluating the location and level of the discomfort and tension you are experiencing. Affected Areas of the Body Choose Area #1 (required) BackNeckHipsShouldersArmsLegsJawHeadOther Area #1 Detail - check all that apply UpperMiddleLowerLeft SideRight Side Discomfort - check all that apply: Sharp and StabbingDull and AchyPins and NeedlesNumbnessTightness Level - Rate intensity from 1-10 Duration (choose Constant or Intermittent) ConstantIntermittent Choose Area #2 NoneBackNeckHipsShouldersArmsLegsJawHeadOther Area #2 Detail - check all that apply UpperMiddleLowerLeft SideRight Side Discomfort - check all that apply: Sharp and StabbingDull and AchyPins and NeedlesNumbnessTightness Level - Rate intensity from 1-10 Duration (choose Constant or Intermittent) NoneConstantIntermittent Choose Area #3 NoneBackNeckHipsShouldersArmsLegsJawHeadOther Area #3 Detail - check all that apply UpperMiddleLowerLeft SideRight Side Discomfort - check all that apply: Sharp and StabbingDull and AchyPins and NeedlesNumbnessTightness Level - Rate intensity from 1-10 Duration (choose Constant or Intermittent) NoneConstantIntermittent Thank you for completing the Quantum Vitality Body Awareness Questionnaire! [anr_nocaptcha g-recaptcha-response] Δ