Early Healing Path
As a kid, before any formal training and before I even knew what chiropractic was, I spontaneously began doing hands-on healing with friends, athletes and musicians. My hands instinctively knew what to do, and I felt so joyful when people would feel better! When I first heard about chiropractic at age 21, I was amazed and exhilarated to discover chiropractic’s profound truth: that freeing blocks from the body’s own control system, the nervous system, helps the body balance naturally from within.
Chiropractic worked for me!
Around that time, my active lifestyle was devastated by some athletic injuries that the best in medicine could not help. Pain, spasms, and agony without ceasing!! I decided to try this new-to-me chiropractic, and my knees and lower back immediately improved, enabling me to resume the joys of hiking, biking, and working pain-free. I was jubilant to regain my youth, and to know that so many other people I knew—the whole world, really–could also benefit from this powerful healing approach.
The Path: Body and Mind
I was on a mission! I went to Life Chiropractic College in Marietta, Georgia, and graduated in 1981. I moved to California to practice chiropractic, and also to work as teacher and administrator at Life Chiropractic College West.
Soon thereafter I discovered the rich field of personal development work, and my life caught fire in an expanded beyond-the-body direction. Thankfully, this led me to the power of Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) to make profound changes with myself and others. I feel so grateful to have powerful tools to help people find their way back to a richer depth of radiant health and full self-expression.
More recently I completed a Master’s program in Sport Psychology at John F. Kennedy University. I’m fortunate to enjoy a wonderful life with my ever-supportive husband Charles to balance me & my mission. We both enjoy playing piano & guitar, hearing live music, hiking & mountain biking, & watching basketball.
Freedom and Connection
Through continued study and practice, I have discovered a solid specific path to the freedom and connection I had always yearned for. My purpose is to share this work with others so they, too, can experience the joy and vitality of true health. I get to participate in and witness healing miracles daily in my precious patients! I feel so fulfilled when I see people become more vital, integrated, purposeful, and pain-free. Anything is possible when you access your potential, not only physical health, but also the ability to create your own reality. That’s what I mean when I say, “No limits to your health & success.”
Unique Practice
I believe in how I practice, and always strive to improve it. I give a great service for a fair fee. What makes my practice unique is the combination of neurological rehabilitation, structural adjusting, emotional clearing, and cognitive (mental) tools for physical vitality and optimal performance. This gives me highly precise and effective tools to help some of the most difficult of cases. I feel honored and humbled to see the profound and transformative changes people create for themselves with my assistance.
Share what you’ve discovered.
I want to help people. I want you to refer and continue to refer people to me, to help them heal–and we together can watch them transform their suffering into joy. My personal promise to you is to assist you in your personal journey with honor and respect to the best of my ability, and to match or exceed your commitment to yourself and your own growth, healing, & success.